My Preventive Health LLC
Atlanta, Georgia : : (866) 640-9817
Harvard-Trained Physician with 26+ Years of Experience










A Professional Weight Loss Clinic










Age Management Program Healthy Aging
Your Age Management Program begins with a scientific assessment of how well your body is aging. This involves non-invasive testing of your major organ systems including your Nutrition and your Stress Level. Your test data are used to design a personalized Treatment Program that provides you and your doctor with the tools to keep your functional age younger than your chronological age  for as long as you live. In simple non-medical language, your body will begin to feel younger and act younger than your age.

TABS Weight Loss Nutrition Programs a Trim And Beautiful Body for Life
Our senior physician is a Harvard-trained specialist in Digestive Diseases and Nutrition. Our doctor has more than 25 years experience in managing successful Weight Loss programs. We teach you how to lose weight safely and how to keep it off. Get the tools you need to maintain a Trim And Beautiful body for a life. Lose 15 pounds to get into that special outfit or lose 100+ pounds to reduce your risk of Diabetes and Heart Disease.

Each personalized TABS Program is based on a balanced, organic diet and includes: introductory Screening, Education, high quality Vitamins and Nutritional Supplements and an age-appropriate, supervised exercise regimen. Special Programs are available for the pre-op evaluation of patients with Morbid Obesity and for long-term nutritional support of patients that have had Gastric Bypass or Lap-band Surgery.

Cosmetic Procedures & Other Referrals
In addition to our customized MyPH and TABS programs we also offer evaluation, monitoring and nutritional support programs for patients that have had (or plan to have) Surgical and Cosmetic procedures including Gastric-bypass or Lap-band surgery, Mesotherapy, Botox, Restylane, Laser Hair Removal, and other cosmetic procedures. We offer referral services to these specialists when needed. We offer Early detection, Genetic Screening and Cancer screening. Special Genetic screening and cancer screening programs are available for patients with a strong family history of Cancer or specific medical conditions. Special programs are available for screening and early detection of Cervical cancer, Prostate cancer, Breast cancer, Colon cancer, Lung cancer and Liver cancer. Special MRI's, Body Scans and screening programs are available to detect early disease of the heart and blood vessels, especially in adult females. Special MRI Screening studies are also available to evaluate and monitor patients with chronic liver disease.

Why wait until after you develop a health problem? Contact a My Preventive Health center today at (404) 681-0000.


Proudly Serving Fulton, Cobb, Gwinnett, DeKalb, and the Atlanta Metro Area

Members of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine

Hours of Operation:
Monday — Friday
9 a.m. — 6 p.m.
9 a.m. — 2 p.m.